AOCJY5 Series

By Abracon Corporation 363

AOCJY5 Series

Abracon has launched the AOCYJ5 series wide temperature range OCXO. Initially offered in 10.0 MHz, the AOCYJ5-10.000MHz holds a better than ±50 ppb frequency accuracy over the temperature range of -55°C to +85°C. Ideally suited for outdoor applications, including military radios and other timing solutions utilizing COTS products, this series provides a low cost solution addressing challenging performance constraints. With a guaranteed overall accuracy of better than ±1.00 ppm including all factors such as aging over 10-years; this device offers an ideal low cost, low noise, wide temperature range solution.

  • 36.1 mm x 27.2 mm x 13 mm leaded - RoHS compliant reflow-able package
  • SC-cut, high "Q" resonator based design
  • Sinewave output into 50 Ω
  • Available with ±50 ppb accuracy over -55°C to +85°C temperature range
  • Exceptional long-term aging of ±500 ppb (max.) over 10-year product life
  • Excellent close-in phase noise (-145 dBc/Hz (typ.) at 1 kHz offest; 10 MHz carrier)
  • COTS military and industrial radios and timing circuits
  • Cellular infrastructure
  • Radar systems
  • Test and measurement equipment
  • GPS tracking with precision hold-over accuracy
  • WiMax / MLAN



