HI-3110 CAN Controller Evaluation Board

By Holt Integrated Circuits Inc 392

HI-3110 CAN Controller Evaluation Board

Holt Integrated Circuits' HI-3110 CAN Controller Evaluation Board may be used to evaluate key features of Holt's HI-3110 CAN Controller IC with integrated transceiver. The evaluation board includes a Freescale MC9S12XDT512 microcontroller with 512 K flash and 20 K RAM to communicate with the HI-3110 through an SPI interface. Software code is included in the form of a compilable C++ Codewarrior™ project. A Serial UART port allows debug and data messages to be sent to a PC using any terminal program such as Hyper-terminal. On-board switches and LEDs help navigate the operating modes and confirm data and status information.

  • Transmit modes for standard and extended frames
  • Receive modes, polled and interrupt driven
  • Monitor mode
  • Loopback mode
  • Selectable bit rates from 83.3 KBPS - 1 MBPS
  • Demonstrate CAN filters and masks
  • Configure the INT, STAT and GP1 and GP2 outputs
  • SPI clock frequency selectable from 625 KHz – 20 MHz
  • Sleep mode with wake-up from button press or CAN data
  • Test mode for cycling GPIOs and LEDs as a board check
  • Print out the CAN buffers (64) on the serial console
  • Print out the status registers on the serial console
  • Print out the transmit history FIFOs on the serial console
  • Print out the error status registers on the serial console
  • ARINC 825 and CANaerospace compliant avionics CAN applications
  • Industrial automation and process control
  • CANopen and DeviceNET compliant CAN applications



