By Texas Instruments 193
Texas Instruments' TMUX6136 is a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) analog switch that contains two independently selectable SPDT switches. The device works well with dual supplies (±5 V to ±16.5 V), a single supply (10 V to 16.5 V), or asymmetric supplies. The digital select pin (SELx) has transistor-transistor logic (TTL) compatible thresholds ensuring TTL/CMOS logic compatibility.
The TMUX6136 switches one of two inputs (Sx) to a common output (D) depending on the status of the SELx pins. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions in the ON position and supports input signal range up to the supplies. In the OFF condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. All switches exhibit break-before-make (BBM) switching action.
The TMUX6136 has ultra-low leakage current and charge injection, allowing them to be used in high-precision measurement applications. The device also provides excellent isolation by blocking signal levels up to the supplies when the switches are in the OFF position. Low supply current of 17 µA enables usage in portable applications.