SI5330G-B00219-GM Clock Buffer 1:8 LVCMOS low-jitter clock buffer (differential input)The order was almost three months (thanks to the russian post!), the seller sociable protection extended without problems and apologized for the long delivery, and so all the working is heated within reasonable limits how much time will show. Thank you seller!
OPA4227UAG4 Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps High Prec Low Noise Oper AmplifierIt reached perm for a month with a small, packed in a pupyrku, executed externally qualitatively, the resistance corresponds to the claimed, ordered for soldering stabilizers on the dho. Later i will finish the review.
STP19NF20 MOSFET N-CHANNEL 200V 0.15 OHM - 15APacked was bad. Even the pimples regretted it. As a result, he arrived mint. But it works.
PCA24S08ADP118 EEPROM 1MX8I arrive in good time with a decent packaging the card in your anti static bag with your two antennas alone there is a lack of testing to check its correct operation
MCP8025A-115H/MP Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 3-Phase Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Gate Driver With Key Off ModeIt came in a normal bag of puffy. I did not check, i'm waiting for sensors.
TLVH431BCDCKTG4 Voltage References Lo Vltg Adj Prec Shunt RegReceived a day before the end of the buyer's protection, you need to choose paid delivery.