Adafruit's FLORA is a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.
By Adafruit Industries 178
Users can practice programming with Adafruit’s Circuit Playground development board which features built-in USB support and requires no soldering or sewing.
By Adafruit Industries 171
Designed to imitate the layout and connections of a standard solderless breadboard, Adafruit’s Perma-Proto PCBs are available in various sizes to suit the needs of any application.
By Adafruit Industries 126
Adafruit's ADABOX003 is designed to introduce a new person the joys of making electronics and specifically the world of IoT.
By Adafruit Industries 116
Adafruit's circuit playground express is the next step towards a perfect introduction to electronics and programming.
By Adafruit Industries 200
The AdaBox010 from Adafruit comes with the NeoTrellis M4, which is an all-in-one USB, NeoPixel, Elastomer, and audio board.
By Adafruit Industries 133
Adafruit's BME680 environmental sensor breakout board offers Bosch's BME680 sensor picked-and-placed on a PCB with a 3.3 V regulator and level shifting.
By Adafruit Industries 158
Adafruit's SGP30 has a standard hot-plate MOX sensor as well as a small microcontroller.
By Adafruit Industries 220
Adafruit's 5 V Pro Trinket uses the Atmega328P chip which is the same core chip in the Arduino UNO, Duemilanove, or Mini at the same speed and voltage.
By Adafruit Industries 206
Adafruit’s METRO boards featuring ATmega328, are available with the Arduino UNO R3 pinout with and without headers, or as a breadboard compatible mini size.
By Adafruit Industries 153
Adafruit has designed a breakout board for ISSI’s IS31FL3731 I²C LED driver chip.
By Adafruit Industries 154
Adafruit’s Power Timer breakout is a stand-alone board that utilizes the Texas Instruments TPL5110 to turn any electronics into a low-power project.
By Adafruit Industries 189
Adafruit's METRO M0 Express features a ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor and can be used with the CircuitPython and used in the Arduino IDE.
By Adafruit Industries 144
Adafruit's Itsy Bitsy series embedded platforms use the same footprint and mostly standardized pin function in a breadboard-friendly, dip form factor.
By Adafruit Industries 142
Adafruit IO+ is the Internet of Things for everyone, built from the ground up to be the easiest way to stream, log, and interact with data.
By Adafruit Industries 269
Adafruit’s Feather M0 Wi-Fi development board is designed around an Microchip 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor with an Microchip FCC-certified ATWINC1500 802.
By Adafruit Industries 222