Digilent, Inc.


Digilent, Inc.
  • Analog Discovery 2

    Digilent's Analog Discovery 2 allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed-signal circuits of all kinds and is compact in size.

    By Digilent, Inc. 343

  • Analog Discovery 2 Pro Bundle

    With Digilent's Analog Discovery 2, professional or experienced engineers can access the full 30 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope and 12 MHz bandwidth waveform generator.

    By Digilent, Inc. 276

  • Digital Discovery™ Logic Analyzer and Pattern Gene

    Digilent offers its Digital Discovery™ logic analyzer and pattern generator which debugs, visualizes, and simulates digital signals for embedded projects.

    By Digilent, Inc. 248

  • Digital Discovery™ High-Speed Adapter and Logic Pr

    Digilent's high-speed adapter, for the DIN_USR connector on the Digital Discovery, is an alternative to the 2 x 16 flywire assembly.

    By Digilent, Inc. 177

  • Basys MX3™: PIC32MX Trainer Board for Embedded Sys

    The Digilent Basys MX3™ is a development platform for the Microchip PIC microcontroller (PIC32MX370).

    By Digilent, Inc. 215

  • Breadboard Adapter for Analog Discovery

    Digilent's breadboard adapter is intended to be used with the Analog Discovery 2 (Analog Discovery) to provide a prototyping surface with a secure connection.

    By Digilent, Inc. 194

  • Breadboard Breakout for Analog Discovery

    Digilent's Breadboard Breakout is designed to be used with the Analog Discovery to provide a secure connection with any sized breadboard.

    By Digilent, Inc. 207

  • Analog Discovery Studio

    Digilent’s Analog Discovery Studio is a fully-functional portable test and measurement device that can turn any cross-functional space into a pop-up laboratory.

    By Digilent, Inc. 342

  • Screw Terminal Adapter for OpenLogger

    Digilent's adapter provides screw terminal block access to 8 analog inputs, 8 digital I/O, waveform generator, power supplies and ground signals to OpenLoggers.

    By Digilent, Inc. 271

  • Breadboard Canvas Removable Prototyping Surface

    Digilent's large breadboardable surface features two regular-sized solderless breadboards appropriate for medium to large circuits.

    By Digilent, Inc. 794

  • Blank Canvas Prototyping Surface

    Digilent's Blank Canvas prototyping surface is designed to connect to the Analog Discovery Studio via standoffs.

    By Digilent, Inc. 288

  • High-Resolution Portable Data Logger

    Digilent's OpenLogger is a high-resolution data logger offers quality measurements without the limits of traditional data logging or data acquisition solutions.

    By Digilent, Inc. 269

  • PmodTC1™ Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter Module

    The Digilent PmodTC1 is a temperature sensing peripheral module with cold-junction compensation and a K-Type thermocouple.

    By Digilent, Inc. 191

  • UltraSonic Range Finder - Range/Distance Sensor

    Digilent's PmodMAXSONAR is an ultrasonic range detector that uses the MaxBotix® LV-MaxSonar®-EZ1™ sonar sensor to offer 1" resolution for distance sensing needs.

    By Digilent, Inc. 232

  • Ambient Light Sensor

    Digilent engineers designed this Pmod around Texas Instruments' ADC081S021 analog-to-digital converter and Vishay Semiconductor's TEMT6000X01.

    By Digilent, Inc. 346

  • 3-Axis Accelerometer Motion Sensor

    Digilent's PmodACL2 is a 3-axis digital accelerometer module powered by the Analog Devices ADXL362, uses a standard 12-pin connector, and communicates via SPI.

    By Digilent, Inc. 232

  • PmodISNS20™ Current Sensor Module

    Digilent's PmodISNS20 is designed to send current data over serial peripheral Interface to a host board.

    By Digilent, Inc. 149

  • Pmod DPG1 Differential Pressure Gauge Sensor

    Digilent's Pmod DPG1 is a differential pressure gauge module.

    By Digilent, Inc. 255

  • Pmod NAV 9-Axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Pl

    Digilent's Pmod NAV uses the STMicroelectronics LSM9DS1 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis magnetometer, plus the STMicroelectronics LPS25HB digital barometer to provide users with

    By Digilent, Inc. 171

  • Pmod HYGRO Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    Digilent's Pmod HYGRO is a relative humidity sensor with integrated temperature sensor for highly accurate measurements at low power. With the TI HDC1080, you can determine the relative humidi

    By Digilent, Inc. 305
