KSJ Series Silent Detect Switch with Wide-Angle an

By C&K 335

KSJ Series Silent Detect Switch with Wide-Angle an

C&K has developed a versatile silent detect switch with a variety of orientations. Designated the KSJ Series, the single pole, single throw, normally open detect switch features high actuation tolerances along with silent and linear operation during actuation with no tactile effect.

The top or side actuated KSJ Series detect switch features long actuation periods of up to 2000 hours under 85°C which ensure higher time at ambient temperature. The spherical actuator ensures ±30° operation (actuation force angle offset) and has extended travel with a maximum stroke of 1.2 mm. The switch is designed with flux sealing and 100 K actuation endurance, and has a feedback of 1 N.

Voltage range for the detect switch is 20 mV to 32 VDC and current ranges from 1 mA to 50 mA. Contact resistance is less than 100 mΩ, with a bounce time of less than 1 ms. Power ratings are 1 VA for the silver plating and 0.2 VA for the gold plating. Operating temperature ranges from -40°C to +85°C (silver plating) and -40°C to +125°C (gold plating).

Features Applications
  • Spherical actuator allows actuation force off center ±30° with regard to vertical
  • Total travel 1.2 mm
  • Sealed against flux
  • RoHS-compliant and compatible
  • Automotive
  • Cranes, off road, railway
  • Factory automation
  • Security systems

