TDGL003 chipKIT™ Max32 Development Board

By Microchip Technology 393

TDGL003 chipKIT™ Max32 Development Board

Microchip's chipKIT Max32 by Digilent is an easy-to-use platform for developing advanced applications. Using a modified version of the original Arduino IDE, the chipKIT board offers compatibility with existing code examples, tutorials and resources, and is pin-compatible with many Arduino shields which can operate at 3.3 V.

  • PIC32MX795F512L processor
  • 512K Flash, 128K RAM
  • Up to 80 MHz operating speed
  • USB 2.0 OTG controller
  • 10/100 Ethernet MAC
  • Dual CAN controllers
  • 83 available I/O lines
  • USB or externally powered
  • USB cable required for programming (not included)



