LTC®5567 Downconverting Mixer

By Analog Devices Inc 336

LTC®5567 Downconverting Mixer

Linear Technology's LTC5567 is optimized for RF down-converting mixer applications that require wide IF bandwidth. The part is also a pin-compatible upgrade to the LT5557 active mixer, offering higher linearity and 1 dB compression, wider bandwidth, and lower output spurious levels. Integrated RF and LO transformers, along with LO buffer amplifiers, allow a very compact solution.

The RF input is 50 Ω matched from 1.4 GHz to 3 GHz, and easily matched for higher or lower RF frequencies with simple external matching. The LO input is 50 Ω matched from 1 GHz to 4 GHz, even when the IC is disabled.

Features Applications
  • High IIP3: +26.9 dBm at 1950 MHz
  • 1.9 dB conversion gain
  • Low noise figure: 11.8 dB at 1950 MHz
  • 16.5 dB NF under 5 dBm blocking
  • Wireless infrastructure receivers
  • DPD observation receivers
  • CATV infrastructure



