Si871x Digital Isolators

By Silicon Labs 519

Si871x Digital Isolators

Silicon Labs’ Si871x family of digital isolators provides a drop-in replacement solution for optocouplers. The Si871x devices provide superior noise immunity, more robust performance, and greater reliability than optocouplers. They are also the first optocoupler replacements based on mainstream CMOS technology and incorporating an innovative LED emulator front-end.

The Si871x isolators offer ideal configurations, packages, and footprints to replace a wide range of optocoupler products used in solar power inverters, switched mode power supplies (SMPS), uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), industrial drives, programmable logic controllers (PLC) and high-voltage medical equipment.


  • Industrial and motor drive
  • Power converters (SMPS, UPS)
  • Automotive
  • Consumer electronics
  • General purpose I/O
Key Features Customer Benefits
Improved performance over alternatives with no aging effects
  • Simplified design; no need to account for changes with age
  • Elevated common mode noise immunity
  • Reduced power requirements
Industry-leading isolation technology
  • 3.75 or 5 kVrms of galvanic isolation
  • Over 60 years isolation barrier lifetime
  • Reinforced IEC 60747-5-2 compliance, including 10 kV surge protection
LED emulator input and drop-in compatible footprint
  • No need to change drive circuitry
  • No changes to PCB

